Wednesday, February 8, 2012

New Adventures.

Well lets see. life has taken a few very unexpected turns in the past couple of months, but I realize that I am just going to have to deal with it and move on. No matter how much it sucks.

I have been eating healthier and I think that has definitely helped to improve my mood a ton, now if I could just motivate myself to workout more that would be freakin amazing.

Right now I am in Utah! hhahaha I have applied for at least 15 jobs so hopefully I hear back from one of those and I can for real move down here. I finished up my workshop for school so I can register for classes when the time comes, and be headed back in the right direction.

What am I doing in Utah you ask? Well you see, my friend (kathy) and her husband are going on an anniversary trip. So I am going to watch their 4 kids for them for an extended weekend! I love it here! She came to get me from MH on the 4th and I have just been getting used to their routine and preparing for when they leave(yikes!). I am a little nervous but I know its gonna be great.

And I also got a tattoo! hahah i looove it! And so many people keep telling me it was a bad idea and I shouldnt have done it and not to get anymore, my body is a temple....etc.,etc. Well yes I know my body is a temple and this is the way I want to decorate.
Have a nice day! :))

1 comment:

  1. Good for you Rach getting out of Mtn Home is probably a good step forward. Are you still going to take classes at BYU-I online or what? Good luck with finding jobs in Utah! Miss you, let me know when you have ur phone again so I can text you.
