Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Big 2-0

hahah wow i cannot believe it! I am 20! yeah thats right twenty.

sometimes i feel like i am still in highschool. hahah

but it was so fun i got my nails done and then we went to Texas Roadhouse for dinner and went and saw Iron Man 2! it was great.( except for the part where i had to sit on the saddle at dinner...not so fun)

I am definitely dreading next week cause i have to pack all of my stuff up to go home.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

CALIFORNIA oh California.

Me, tanya, jess and some of her friends are going to california! I love california! i wish i could live there but i know i could possibly get sick of it so in order to avoid that i will just continue visiting it every so often. In highschool i went to cali twice for choir and that was a little stressful since we had such a packed schedule. but this is gonna be sooo fun i am so stoked!!!

Sunday, May 2, 2010


So yesterday...hahah that was a fun day.
we had to go to kmart for one thing and then ended up buying a whole bunch of things. ahhaa it was so fun though.
then my aunt and uncle went to supercross (sooo jealous) so we had a little mini spa night.
well just me and ky cause lain didnt want to.we made homemade face masks with oatmeal and they worked! and then we painted our toe nails. and ate ridiculous junk food which just tied the whole night together.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

May or May Not...

Things you may or may not know about me...

1. I used to not like my middle name at all [Jessie] and now i simply adore it.
2. I am a pollo-vegetarian, which means: Someone who occasionally eats chicken or fish, but does eat red meat.
3. I like to make to-do lists and plan stuff out, but i dont usually get them done.
4. I am scared of heights but one of my most favorite summer activites is bridge jumping and this summer i might even go skydiving :)
5. I like water bottles and believe that water tastes better when coming from a reusable bottle, no matter the source it came from.
6. I really like even numbers and prefer everything to be even.
7. I LOVE books, even ones that i am never going to read. And i re-read books all the time and am always looking for new books to read.
8. My style changes all the time. sometimes i like to be more country and sometimes i like to be really dressed up with heels on.
9. I was going to be a preschool teacher, and then i was going to be a dental assistant, and then i was going to be a bum on the street and now i do not know.
10. Summer is my absoulte favorite time of the year! its the best!
11. I love being barefoot, and sometimes will forget to put on shoes when walking out the biggie.
12. Change is welcomed in my life, sometimes i get bored and have to change and its usually my hair, but its just hair and it grows back.
13. I like to have everything around me clean EXCEPT my room, i love having my room a mess but actually i also like it when its clean but it is my least favorite thing to clean.
14. I want to travel all over the world. so far i've got Boston,MA and Costa Rica done, and i'm not including the places that i lived when i was younger cause i cant even really remember those.
15. I try and be really creative. sometimes it works and other times it doesnt. i try none the less.
16. I like to spell. I have to have words spelled correctly if i cant figure out how to spell it then i will just use a different word.
17. I wish i knew another language, sadly i only know bits and pieces of other languages.
18. I might go teacher english in another country.
19. I have a book of random facts. just random things that i'll probably never really need to know.
20. I like to whiten my teeth.
21. I have at least eight different kinds of hair spray
22. I love the color purple. i want everything to be purple.
23. I have to have my toes painted.
24. I hate having my finger nails painted.but i love having fake nails on
25. I eat food in certain orders.
26. I like to call people by their full name. (josh-joshua. mike-michael and so on)
27. I pay ridiculous amounts of money for purses.
28. I have a love /hate relationship with animals.
29. I could eat yougurt with granola forever.
30. I listen to the same forty seconds of the same song repeatedly.
31. I have favorites.
32. I hate answering the door.
33. I dont like talking on the phone.
34. I usually spell out numbers in sentences i'm writing.
35. All of my kids are going to have at least 6 names(each) and they are going to unique.
36. I love to blog.
37. I love music. any and every kind. just whatever.
38. I over exaggerate things that are wrong with me. and i love it. i'm never serious its just what i do. when i have back pain i tell my mom that i have a tumor growing on my spine. it is what it is.
39. I was a cheerleader in ninth, eleventh, and twelth grade and a semester of college. and i love it.
40. I love the ocean.
41. I fell asleep in almost all of my classes in highschool,everyday.
42. I'm starting a list of all the things i wanna do before i die. this will be my millionth one.
43. I make up my own words.
44. I can sleep perfectly fine during the day no matter what i am wearing , but at night i cannot sleep at all unless i am wearing specific clothes and have taken my sleeping pill
thats all...for now