Saturday, March 20, 2010

So much to do.

Well ok so it's my fault that there is so much to do. Work, dental assisting school and 12 credits online. yes i did choose to do it all so now i am going to have to work at it. and its gonna be hard but im gonna get thru it.
my birthday is in 60 days! hahah im excited sorta.
but im also going back to idaho to help my rents move, Yee-haw!

yeah i think thats all for now not much is going on.


  1. So fun! I still can't believe how much you're doing! Awesome! When are you going to Idaho and I want to see some pictures! That's so awesome! I'm soooo excited for your fam!

  2. Yeah i'm gonna take a bunch of pictures and of course i will post them on here, facebook and myfamily. i leave april 3rd and i'll be back on the 11th :) im so excited but not really about the whole moving thing.
