Tuesday, April 5, 2011


On Sunday we went to FRANCE! it was awesome! Driving there was like driving from idaho to utah, well shorter but still. thats how easy it was. its so awesome being able to get in a car and drive to another country, which you can do in the states also but this is europe. so many castles and pretty things to see. First we went to monkey mountain! the monkeys are all roaming around and they give you popcorn to feed them. it was so neat to be able to be that close to them and feel their hand in yours(even if the whole time i could only think about all the germs and other nastyness crawling from the monkeys hand to mine). I had a great time.

And then we drove back down and went to a 'birds of prey' place. it was so neat it was inside a castle and most of the birds werent in cages. they just had leashes on. and then you could also go up and look at more of the castle. the parts that we were allowed at were all still really intact so you could see the details and stuff. they also had a bird show, but it was in french. it was still fun/scary to watch. they let the birds out and they would fly from one guy to another but they didnt listen very well so i stayed up in the castle most of the time farther away from all the birds.

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