Tuesday, July 21, 2009


This semester has gone by sooo fast.

and its been a blast,

good thing i dont have a cast,

that wouldnt last,

its would be nast,

and i would smash it on a mast,

and it would be in the past.

hahahah ok so that was really cheesy and has nothing to do with anything, except this semester really has gone by fast. and im glas that i dont have a cast.

Only two days left of school.

and only 27 days until COSTA RICA!!!

I LOVE THIS LIFE!!!!(hopefully i past my finals :s)

1 comment:

  1. Totally sweet Rach! You'll have to get a sweet tan for me in Rica because I am blistering white. I don't know how that's possible to be blistering and white but it just is. Anyway, have a flippin' good ol' time and I will see you on the flip side.
