Saturday, February 25, 2012

Princess Challenge :)

It took me awhile to actually get around to this, but I decided that its time for me to complete the challenge. My friend Cari challenged me and a few other bloggers to blog about their favorite disney princess...and its been really hard for me to decide which one is my favorite. It was hard to choose between Belle and Cinderella. But I have finally decided on Belle.

She is my favorite because of how she shows her love for her family...which is just her dad but still just go with me. She is brave and stands up to the beast and tells him that she will stay with him instead of her father. He lets her stay and then she ends up falling for him. At first he isn't your typical "tall, dark and handsome" guy, but she still falls in love with him. I think that its important that we look on the inside of people and love them for who they really are because you dont know who they will end up being. And in the end he turns back in to the handsome prince and they live happily ever after. Such a cute story and it has a happy ending.

And she's Burnette :)
And loves to read just like me.

1 comment:

  1. I like Belle too, she's a good one. :)
